Wow! Airtel Night Plan Time Travel Hack
I call this trick time travel coz it has to do with altering the time..unlike the one of only downloading now you can stream and chat..Now all you need to do is subscribe to the airtel night plan i know most a times some of you would be rushing to finish yours same happened to me until I found this new when once you've subscribed and started browsing and it's almost te for the plan to expire like its 4:56 now you change first change your time to 2hrs backwards like from 4:56 to 2:56 and remove time settings from network provided... Note:do not switch off data jez change time and continue what your doing it won't stop I can assure you its working for me 100% airtel can't detect your time since its removed from network provided...Using UC browser can alter this tweak so I advice you use your default browser....I've streamed,chatted and downloaded a lot today so try works unless you make mistakes in the steps